
When It Comes to Bed Time, There’s No Outsmarting This Pup

This is one of those times where it sounded like a better idea than it actually was. Last weekend, Toby was being a total brat. He wanted to lay in the middle of my bed and just would not move.

At all. 

So, I figured I would totally outsmart him. 

I set up the other twin bed with two pillows and a bunch of fleece blankets — all of Toby’s favorites. I made a big fuss and told him how he was getting his own “big” bed!

Carried him inside and plopped him in the middle of the pillows and covered him with his one of his favorite blankets.

“What a good puppy!”

“Look at you, so cute in your bed, all to yourself!”

“Ok, Toby, you stay here, and be a good doggie.”

I shut out the light and go back into my room.

About 10 minutes pass.

It started with a small little whimper. Then it got louder. Just stay in bed and don’t worry about him, I told myself. He will be fine. After all, he was being totally obnoxious when he was in your bed, so this is better for tonight.


Two second’s there are two paws scratching at the side of my bed. I lean over and pick him up. Ten seconds later, I’m shoved to the edge of the bed by my 12-pound dog.

So much for that, ehh?

Hey, it was worth a try. 

5 thoughts on “When It Comes to Bed Time, There’s No Outsmarting This Pup

  1. LOL thats when I went out and bought mine their own crib matress – I was tired of sleeping with a bed hog 🙂 Now that im married there are no dogs in the bed, I have to admit its sort of nice to not have the dog hair in the bed 🙂 Just means I have to get on the floor more with them…sigh 🙂

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