
Can I Donate My Dog’s Body to Cancer Research? (Part I)

This was the question I sought out to answer a few months ago.  The simple answer is, yes.  The complicated, much more accurate, answer is, maybe.  Let’s start with a little background. Having an interest in veterinary medicine since I was a little kid, I’ve always wondered if you could donate an animal’s body to… Continue reading Can I Donate My Dog’s Body to Cancer Research? (Part I)


Chemotherapy Is Now a Regular Part of Our Life

When I wrote our last post about Toby’s lymphoma returning, I apparently didn’t understand everything very well. The key thing I didn’t totally grasp was that unlike last time when Toby was taken off the chemo, this time, he will be on it for as long as it is working for him/he is tolerating it.… Continue reading Chemotherapy Is Now a Regular Part of Our Life