
Pedigree’s Write a Post Help a Dog

If you’re like and typically wait to the last minute to do things, you’ll know there is still time to participate in Pedigree’s “Write a Post, Help a Dog” 2011 campaign.

For every post mentioning the Pedigree Foundation until midnight Eastern tonight, Pedigree will donate 20 pounds of its new dry Pedigree recipe to a shelter.

Pedigree does a lot for shelter animals, and back in February, I was fortunate enough to participate in a sponsored trip to their headquarters near Nashville, where about 10 pet writers and bloggers got to learn about the science that goes into making their food, as well as overall dog nutrition. 

We also got to visit the Nashville Humane Association — a recipient of funds from the Pedigree Foundation. It was pretty neat to see what donating to the Pedigree Foundation can do for a shelter. We got to see the money at work.

That said, there’s still time to “Write a Post, Help a Dog.”

After you write your post, link it up and read the other posts over on Two Little Cavaliers.

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